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MV International (MVI) is a network of 35 European NGOs (one per Country and with members in each of 27 Countries of the EU), 7 associate organizations from Africa (Cameroon, Kenya, Senegal and Uganda), Latin America (Argentina and Peru) and Asia (India) aimed at promoting participatory planning between NGOs fostering the exchange of knowledge among professionals in the field of European design.

Created in 2012, MVI is today a global actor closely cooperating with its 35 member organizations, international NGOs, and public and private sector stakeholders. Its thousands individual members from 27 European countries represent a diverse group of people active within European projects, youth, non formal education, social entrepreneurship, sport and cultural activities. MVI has a growing experience in establishing new thematic Consortium, promoting new partnerships, developing and implementing EU projects and organising high-profile European congresses, conferences and hearings. To fulfil these objectives, MVI concentrates on three key areas: project activities, education and policy-making/advocacy efforts.

Apart from promoting events and educational programmes, MVI takes a full role in the public debate on civil society engagement in its topics of interest and strives to influence policies in these areas.

MVI is a non profit “association of associations” that intends to carry out social involvement and community building activities for its members and stake holding (third) parties encouraging participation, freedom and dignity of its members. MVI works as a global platform, open to stake holding organisations and individuals with special expertise in the fields of Social Entrepreneurship, Non Formal Education and Sustainability. MV International is coordinated through its operational offices based in Sassari (Italy).

The Comparative Research Network was founded in 2007 and worked since then in the field of adult education and research. The CRN Network is specialised in training activities within the fields of intercultural competences, intergenerational learning, mobilities and migration. Additionally, the CRN is specialised in creating and performing evaluation and dissemination processes. CRN lately gained through various projects both as coordinator and participant expertise in game design in education, storytelling and community reporting, where the network is currently carrying out training for several target groups.

Due to CRN being organised as a transnational network, it has an international scope. At the moment, it employs 4 permanent and around 10 freelance staff, and has a network of more than 120 members, located in almost every European country. As a NGO CRN is non-profit oriented and performs crucial part of its work on a voluntary basis. Major target groups of the CRN are beside trainer marginalized groups, such as persons living in remote rural areas, seniors and unemployed. Generally, CRN is seeking to link social science with civil society actions – that is why CRN joined itself various local, national and transnational networks. In its European Work as adult training provider, CRN coordinated already 4 Erasmus Plus Partnerships and participated in two more.

During our intercultural training courses, more than 200 facilitators (teacher, trainer) from all programme countries participated in three years. In the research department CRN participated as impact partner and facilitators in a few FP5-7 and Horizon 2020 projects. CRN has an outreach to more than 30 universities across Europe. As the latest achievement CRN started to edit and publish scientific and educational papers and books. All publication receive ISBN but are accessible open source and free of charge.

The Autokreacja Foundation aims at fostering the active participation in civil society through various initiatives in the field of social economy. We contribute to the civilizational, cultural and economic development of Poland.

We want to put the spotlight on problems of diverse social groups that are often marginalized, that is why we focus on cooperation with long-term unemployed, youth from underprivileged regions, unemployed women, elderly people, immigrants and refugees. Many of our projects were designed to favour multiculturalism and intercultural exchange by bringing together different lifestyles, points of view and philosophies.

Our conviction is that sharing, experiencing and debating are the best ways to progress as it permits us to be open to new initiatives and to welcome with enthusiasm, possibilities of cooperation with organizations dealing with different domains in many countries and cultures all over the world. We set up the Autokreacja Foundation because we like working with people. That is why in our projects we invest time and energy in initiatives which give us the opportunity to directly interact with people – we organise and run workshops, training and cultural events with the aim of helping people from all walks of life and to develop their potential and communicate with one another.

Intercambia is a youth organization created by and for young people. Our main activities are based on intercultural learning, by using a non-formal education and youth program actions in order to encourage the youth participation in the international context, so abolishing the barriers between countries, reducing the racism and promoting the tolerance between different cultures.

Our organization wants to encourage youth initiatives by young people – we support them by providing information, tools, and training to help them get their goals

The Business School PAR was founded in 2011 and is part of the tradition of professional education aimed at adults that began with the Business Academy Rijeka five years prior to that. Since its inception, PAR’s goal has been developing top educational programs and business consulting based on experience, realistic appreciations of economic needs, as well as continuous searches for new professional and scientific innovations and trends. Since 2011, BS PAR has also been conducting the accredited study program Business Management with the aim of educating young, modern, and entrepreneurially-oriented students, which came as a response to the need for future students who want a different type of education. To date, Business School PAR – apart from operating as an institution of higher learning – also acts as a leader in the field of adult education in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in Croatia. The Lifelong Learning Center operates as a fully-integrated adult learning branch within the institution, offering a unique experience for adult learners who have a desire to reskill or ramp up their competences and improve their competitive edge in the labour market.

As an HEI focused on lifelong education, PAR offers a full range of seminars, courses, training, and workshops in the field of human resources management, and personal and professional development. The emphasis of these programs is put on teamwork, communication, presentation skills development, management, sales, marketing, finance, accounting, logistics, and EU projects. BS PAR is dedicated to promoting lifelong learning values, creating a positive attitude towards learning, and opening up to new learning opportunities. The Business School PAR encourages and values education in every aspect of life and in its every form. PAR develops the human capital of its employees and lecturers by continuously investing in their professional development through various educational activities, national and international conferences, and personal and business coaching.

Eduforma is a VET institution founded in 2003. It was born as a company aiming at drafting, marketing, organization and delivery of training interventions, information and professional guidance. The structure has always favored the monitoring of human resources in companies, starting with an analysis of employees, instead of the organization, and was one of the first in Veneto to introduce skills assessment logic and rewarding systems. Eduforma offers training and management consulting services; it is specialized in the development of human resources, increasing people’s skills to face professional problems concerning their specific competencies in the company where they work. Concentrating on the continuous improvement of business organization, Eduforma helps the management making strategic choices, from the analysis of needs to the intervention planning, from their accomplishment to the analysis of the results.

Eduforma pursues its missions supporting organizations in increasing their manager’s decision-making skills, responsibility, ability to manage emergencies and the development of teamwork. Eduforma is also involved in the production, import and marketing of software and ICT solutions. Coherently with its values, Eduforma has adopted the quality management system in compliance with the regulation ISO 9001:2008. Eduforma offers to SMEs and Social Enterprise the following services: